Public Notice

Public Notice

NOTICE OF MILLINGTON BEER PERMIT APPLICATION Pursuant to the requirements of the Millington Municipal Code, the following information is made known to all interested persons: Jerry Lewis (dba Relaxed Atmosphere) has applied for a “Special Use” Permit to sell beer at the All Star Event Car Show, located in the area of “Mud Flats” National…

Miller’s Final Time: Trojan senior wraps up distinguished career with two medals

Miller’s Final Time: Trojan senior wraps up distinguished career with two medals

By Thomas Sellers Jr. MURFREESBORO – Walter Miller arrived to Murfreesboro last Friday already one of the most decorated track athletes in Millington Trojan history. With several medals from competitive track on his resume’ and two silver medals from the 2016 Class A-AA State Track Meet, Miller was looking for gravy on his legacy. His…