Do This Today

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By David Peel

Take a moment and go walk through your house using your video on your phone. 

Walk through every room scanning it and then go into your closet. In your closet run your hand along all your clothes hanging up so you can see the sleeves of each shirt or blouse. Do the same thing for your drawers, closets and then your attic.

Then, upload it to the cloud or email it to someone else that lives outside your home.

And the reason that I am advising you to do this is due to what happens after a fire, a theft, a tornado or an earthquake. Your insurance company in many of those cases will put you into a hotel locally. 

During that time in the hotel, you’ll have to fill out claim forms for the contents of your house. Those are very difficult to do just from memory. 

It is far better to freeze frame a video in a closet and list everything that you see. It’s been my experience that if you can see the sleeve of a shirt, you can remember the details of the shirt. 

However, you may forget that shirt completely if you don’t see it and you don’t wear it regularly. But it’s important that you max out the contents coverage of your home and sometimes it takes a pretty complete listing to do that. You know insurance companies appreciate that you own quite a bit. So, it sometimes takes listing quite a bit more of what you purchased just to get the value back out of your policy.

But it is important that this be uploaded to the cloud or sent to someone else so it doesn’t perish if your phone is damaged in the same event. You know that we are overdue for a significant earthquake. This area is likely to experience significant seismic events in the next few years. In addition, we seldom go a tornado season without several touchdowns. 

And then finally, we can never avoid the reality of a potential fire.

So do this today. Because your lawyer cares about you and wants the best for your family.

Peel seeks justice for those injured in tractor trailer and car accidents, medical malpractice, and disability. He often addresses churches, clubs and groups without charge. Peel may be reached through wherein other articles may be accessed.

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