Is Everything We Eat Food?

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Posted on October 22, 2015.

By Thelma Ledford

Not everything we put into our mouth is “food!” We go grocery shopping for foods to eat that will keep us healthy, don’t we? Be honest! Do they all contribute to our health? Some of them look like food, taste like food, but are they “food?” They give us energy, fill our stomachs, and satisfy us? Does a full stomach mean that we are well-nourished? Industry’s technology can duplicate any food today. Just think about it for awhile! Imitation butter (margarine), fruit juice (fruit drinks), sugar (artificial sweeteners), and oil (imitation fat) are but a few. Let’s stop and consider what we are putting into our mouths. Jever wonder about it?  Will imitation butter and real butter be accepted and used by the body the same way? What happens should it disagree? These are some facts to ponder! Can we fool the body’s defense system? No! Believe it or not the body inspects what we eat, and it is meticulous. It can recognize synthetics, foreign invaders, bacteria, viruses, and any kind of additive. When an enemy is recognized it produces its own “bug spray” to destroy it. Colds, fever, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, and headaches can be clues that the body is trying to dump toxins, or non-foods. It fights hard to keep us alive. Cells give their lives to protect us. The immune system weakens during this process and cannot do its job, especially when we have a poor diet. We can help it by eating more nourishing foods and drinking lots of fresh, pure water to help it remove the toxic wastes. The transporting, storing, or processing of raw foods leave few nutrients, therefore, industry adds “synthetic” nutrients to make up for the shortage. Does the body hate these? You bet! They are not from the soil, but from a test tube. The body knows the difference. Empty, processed foods overload the immune system. It becomes damaged and cannot fight disease and foreign substances.  Today we are seeing and experiencing “overloaded” waste-removing systems in our body as well as in our landfills. The body can become a toxic dumping ground. Let me explain this: When our body “our bucket” gets full, the body does not have anyway to eliminate any more waste so we are suffering serious side affects. How do you explain the new diseases, such as, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and Epstein Barr virus to name a few? I met a young woman in college, Emily used lots of bug poison spray in her dorm room because she was afraid of spiders; she became seriously ill. When reading one of my articles and doing some research, she discovered the cause. She allowed me to print her story in the newspaper.  She finally had to drop out of college. Her “bucket” was full! Her body could not take another drop of chemicals. We know there is no way to avoid all chemicals, but at least we can help the body do its job by eating foods to build a strong immune system, and avoiding as many chemicals as we can. Using lots of fiber-rich foods, and drinking plenty of clean, pure water also assists the body’s removal of waste. Remember, the body has a very sensitive system. It knows how to detect anything that is not “self.” Industry may put it in the food section and call it food, but the body can disagree. It has its own detective network, and you cannot fool it! Even science realizes the bodily enzymes cannot break down inorganic substances. The words natural and organic do not have the same meaning today as it did in the past. It is a battle between living foods vs. synthetic foods. Living foods seem to be losing the battle. Don’t take my word, but check it out for yourself. Someone challenged me about a synthetic vitamin vs. a natural, whole food vitamin. I didn’t have the answer then, but I did my research, and I do now. This is covered under another section.  You are the only one who can decide if you want to be healthy and have energy and well-being.  Remember!  Not everything we put into our mouth is food!

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