My First Novel

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By David Peel

It has been said that “everyone has at least one book in them”

As I write this article, I am awaiting the first shipment of my first novel called “The Treasure of Solomon”. And no, it is not a John Grisham legal thriller at all. It’s more “Indiana Jones” meets “Die Hard.”

I suspect almost everyone at some point has thought about writing a book, either a memoir about their life, or a fictional story that always intrigued them. In the past I’ve written a nonfiction book about law and everyday advice I give people related to my injury practice, that is called “Two Feet or Ten? What You Don’t See When You Drive.” It was an Amazon best seller in its narrow category.  

But a novel is far more arduous an undertaking in that you kind of reveal your inner thoughts to a world that seems only too fast to criticize. These are characters that you make up, and situations that you dream up, and you know going in—not everyone will see it the same way. 

But in this case, this book started back in 2008 and I put it down in 2010. I didn’t pick it up again until a couple years back and I was determined to get it done. 

The sequel is coming along much faster than the original I’m happy to say, as are a couple other writing projects I’ve started. Now that my kids are grown, I’ve got more spare time in the evenings to do these things. 

If you’ve ever thought about writing a book, I just want to encourage you to try it. Whether it even gets published or anyone ever likes it is a separate issue. To someone in your life, I bet that manuscript will prove priceless. I do believe everyone’s got a story to tell. I’m aware not everyone’s great at doing that, but the story itself should come out.

Several people who have read manuscripts of my first novel really liked it. But I find myself thinking about those negative critiques and how I’ll be able to deal with them when someone says they hated it. I know someone will. 

Facing that fear of rejection or failure is probably the key to success in almost every area. It allowed me to speak to such a beautiful girl and eventually win Tricia’s hand in marriage 27 years ago.  

It’s what allowed me to work my way through Law school. I recall the fearful unknown over 20 years ago when I opened up my own law office. 

And as I now continue to expand my practice, it’s the optimism and hope in what the Lord is doing that propels continuous forward movement.

What about you? Do you have a book in you? Let me encourage you, tell your story while you still can. You never know who might treasure it! 

Peel seeks justice for those injured in tractor trailer and car accidents, medical malpractice, and disability. He often addresses churches, clubs and groups without charge. Peel may be reached through wherein other articles may be accessed. 

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