Safety is never really first

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By David Peel

We are lied to every single day.
One of the most obvious bromides, that has never really been true, is that “safety always comes first.” You will hear politicians and less intellectual people argue passionately, “If this law saves only one life, it is worth it.”
Safety rarely is even in the top list of priorities. Here are some things that would change immediately IF safety was really first, IF saving lives was truly a priority:
DEATHS FROM CAR CRASHES: Way back in 1899, only 26 people died related to car crashes. Amazingly, we all live every day now, fully expecting 102 people a DAY to die in motor vehicle crashes.
If safety was really first, would cars go over 100 mph? If safety were a high priority, would seat belts use have to be mandated by law? Would left turns–a leading cause of crashes—be allowed? Would we only separate two cars running 70 mph in opposite lanes by 6 inches of yellow paint?
If we were serious about saving lives, why aren’t all the safety devices in race cars–such as roll cages, helmets, five-point harnesses, and automatic fire suppression–used in the passenger cars? 3,421 people a year die in Tennessee due to drinking and driving. Tennessee could minimize much of the drunk driving by confiscating the car on the first offense, for example.
DEATHS FROM HEART DISEASE: A staggering number of deaths each year, 635,260, are traced to heart disease. It, alone, accounts for over 23% of all deaths in the U.S.
If saving lives were really “Job 1” many of our favorite junk foods would be banned. Exercise would be required, as would doctor visits. Imagine obesity being fined. The US would ban sugary drinks and most fast foods today.
DEATHS FROM BATHTUBS: The bathroom is the most dangerous room in the house. From slips and falls to poisoning, bathrooms outpace other areas in deaths. Bathtubs alone kill about one person per day.
Is anyone calling for the ban of bathtubs? It would save not just one life, but about one per day!
We are mortal, and most of us value our freedom over more complete safety.
Peel seeks justice for those injured in tractor trailer and car accidents, medical malpractice, and disability. He often addresses churches, clubs and groups without charge. Peel may be reached through wherein other articles may be accessed.

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