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Say Hello: Make sure you’re a part of the process while Millington reopens

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By Jule’ Dunham

Greetings from the World of Real Estate with Julè. Life is Good! Restaurants and other local businesses are opening up in an effort to get back to normal. The local clothing and department stores here in Millington are opening slowly but surely. My last article mentioned getting ready for summer. Time to go shopping for summer clothes, shoes, toys, pools, camping equipment (even if it is in your own yard), boating, fishing and many other activities that we normally enjoy. The children have been out of school for longer than usual. Churches are now opening up as well as per President Trump’s recent announcement. Our physical, mental and emotional health are important, but most importantly is our spiritual health. Hopefully, there will be activities for the children from various organizations during this extended period of being out of school.
I was quite surprised to go to a medical facility to find the door locked, and you have to call them to be seen, wait in your vehicle to be called, etc. Which brings me to the topic of today—-PEST CONTROL. Why are the medical facilities and Pest Control related? I was bitten by a brown recluse spider (confirmed)! This spider bite is painful to say the least. Because of the reaction was so bad, I was referred to the emergency room for treatment. These spiders like dark spaces and can live without food or water for extended periods of time. It was in my bed when it bit me, not once, but in two different spots in the knee. This is not something to be taken lightly, it can be very serious. The sites turned black very shortly after the incident occurred. Even with treatment, the leg turned very red and raised, became swollen and very painful.
So, please contact your local pest control company to help you with those little critters you sometimes do not see, but can be very harmful to you, your family, children and pets. I spoke with someone recently that used Jameson Pest Control for the brown recluse spiders and other insect/pest issues. She recommended them to get the job done.
There is a new app out, Healthy Together which contains the TRACE for tracking you in regard to COVID-19. Some people think it is great. I personally will not be downloading it to my cell phone. It will gather all of your contacts from your phone, if you have had the Coronavirus, your contact will be notified that you have or had the virus. For Apple users it may be in the 13.5 UPDATE. My auto update is turned OFF so that the app cannot be automatically downloaded to my phone. Please note that I am not an electronic expert by any means, so please do further extensive investigation regarding this app and further information. I believe it is an infringement on our privacy rights.
SHOP LOCAL – shop our Mom and Pop stores in our areas that have been closed due to COVID-19. They have lost a great deal of their livelihood during this pandemic. We need them to stay open to keep the American dream alive.
We need to help the people in our own community. Big chains have been allowed to sell non-food, non- personal hygiene, non-medical items, such as clothing shoes, sporting goods, entertainment items, etc. in the brick and mortar stores, but the small business owner had to close their doors.
Here are a few things that Shopping online does for you other than mere convenience:
1.) Keep you from getting out and seeing other HUMANS. For goodness sake, wave at someone, say hello, how are you today? Smile, yes, smile even with your mask on, they can see it in your eyes and cheeks.
2.) Keeps you from moving your body muscles and joints. I make it a point to get away from my desk every 30 minutes to lubricate my joints. Keep moving for good health. So, let’s not be lazy, put on your walking shoes and get out there and shop.
3.) Convenient, especially with businesses like Amazon, eBay, and so on.
4.) Gives you more variety when you cannot find what you are looking in our brick and mortar stores.
Some people are wearing masks and some are not. Simply do what you think is best for you and your family. Please do not give anyone grief because they are not choosing to do it your way. If I do want to be near someone that is not wearing a mask, just do not get near them? Really, it is that simple. Even that little bit of social interaction can mean so much to someone that had no choice but to remain at home during the pandemic, because they had weakened immune condition of some sort, or other reasons. Those who live alone may have suffered from depression and loneliness. When possible, a hug goes a long way to a lonely person.
Please be mindful of the rules and suggestions of restaurants and other public places while we make an effort to get to some type of normalcy. My prayer to all of you is that you stay safe, well, have fun and move FORWARD.
Say Hello. Be Kind. Be Friendly. Embrace Life and all that it really offers. Keep Life Simple. Making good relationships is very important to our mental, emotional and physical health.
Oh yes, and please say hello to me when you see me out and about. I would love to see how you and your family are doing.
Should you have a topic you would like addressed, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for reading my column and have a blessed week.
Here is your local realtor, Julè Dunham, signing off until next week.
Crye-Leike Realtors
Julè Dunham, Affiliate Broker, SRES, RENE. Contact her by phone at 901-828-8471 (cell) or 901-840-1181 (office) or by email to: [email protected] for an appointment to speak with you, your group or club.
“Let’s Make This Happen Together”

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