South Tipton News: Billing Scam Alert to Residents

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City of Munford

SCAM ALERT! From Southwest Tennessee Electric Membership Cooperative: George Pinner, Southwest Electric relayed they have received calls from customers stating that the customer received a phone call regarding their bills. The caller is telling the customer that their bill is past due and that they will be sending someone to collect either cash or credit card information. This is a SCAM. Southwest is not calling these customers. Pinner wants us to be aware and that he is notifying the police departments in Munford and Atoka.

Town of Atoka

In an effort to provide better, faster after-hours emergency response service, the Public Works Department has begun the process of transitioning away from the pager service. The current pager will remain active at least through the end of the calendar year to assist in the transition but a new dedicated cell phone number is now in place to enhance our emergency response efforts. The new number – 355-6574 – is active now and will connect a customer directly to a town staff member.

The on-call employee will be carrying both the cell phone and the pager for the foreseeable future. For more information, contact Atoka Public Works at 837-5301.

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