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Webster’s Barnes wins Gorlok Greats Award

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Millington resident and Webster College campus representative Teresa Barnes was recently honored with a staff award.
The mother of three Millington Central High School graduates, Barnes earned her college degree recently through taking classes via NSA Mid-South programs. Between school, parenting and business ventures, Barnes’ service on the job did not go unrecognized.
“On behalf of the Webster Staff Alliance and the Gorlok Greats Committee, I want to congratulate you on a job well done! This spring, you were nominated and selected as a Webster Gorlok Greats Award Winner.
This award recognizes staff members whose achievements, whether an individual act or sustained effort of exemplary service, relate to Webster University strategies and support the university’s values and mission. You were nominated for both investing time and effort into coaching and mentoring and consistently providing high quality, reliable and critical work that, if undone, would halt highly visible operations.
In total, we received nearly 50 nominations in Spring 2020 and were only able to select up to 6 winners representing areas across the university network. You should be very proud of the work you contribute to our university students, staff, and faculty.
One of your nominators, RaShad Watkins, said the following about your efforts:
“Ms.Barnes, has taken a personal interest in the mentoring relationship. She does do not take her responsibility as a mentor lightly. Barnes has invested plenty in the success of myself. Barnes is knowledgeable, compassionate, and possesses the attributes of a good teacher or trainer. Excellent communication skills are also one of her strongest strengths. Overall Barnes has empowered myself and many others to develop our own strengths, beliefs, and personal attributes.”
Another nominator, Philip McDaniel, said:
“In my professional and humble opinion, I nominate Ms. Teresa Barnes for the Gorlok Greats Award. Justification: From the very outset of requesting application for the Webster graduate program, Ms. Barnes has been very professional, efficient, and courteous with not only me, but also all others that I have observed. She has coached and mentored others and me through various course selections as we try to navigate our way through the process. Ms. Barnes, always humble, never losses focus regardless of any situation that I have observed. In addition, she takes time away from her studies and troubleshoots IT problems for the evening classes. Always prompt and gets the job done with a smile. Every student knows Ms. Barnes, and every student loves Ms. Barnes. She has built a reputation for herself and Webster University as a first class organization. She often goes out of her way to check on students and follow-up on previous issues students have raised. A true assets for Webster University and students alike. I would be proud to have Ms. Barnes on my team now as well as the future. If there is only one Gorlok Great Award to be presented, then Ms. Barnes is my choice and I would sincerely hope that she would be Webster’s choice as well.”
Finally, another nominator, Terrina Driscoll noted:
“Since day one, my interactions with Teresa Barnes have been the sole reason why this process to get my master’s degree has not overwhelmed me. I have tried so many times in the past to start this process, but something always derailed me. From the beginning, Ms. Barnes was encouraging and helpful. She answered all of my questions, was very responsive, made me feel like she was there for me, despite having so many other clients. She helped me push my classes to a new semester and made sure all of my paperwork was in order for the VA. I have not had a single hiccup or set back since starting this process started and I have almost successfully completed my first two classes with my next two already set. I am just so thankful for this woman’s hard work and dedication to the mission, the program, and the students.”
Thank you for all you do for Webster University and as a Gorlok Greats Winner, you will receive a cash award.

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