Day: July 17, 2014

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All Students must register on July 29,whether they were pre-registered this Spring or not. Registration for the 2014-15 school year will be held at each school during the hours of 7:30 a.m. through 7 p.m. Bring proper documentation in order to expedite the registration process. Please refer to the categories below for documentation needed. Pre-Registered…

By Thomas Sellers Jr. Day and night, the models took to the Millington sky for the Mid-South Heli Invasion 2014. Hosted by the Millington Barnstormers June 20-22, more than 30 helicopter pilots for Tennessee, Oklahoma, Lousiana and other states flew their model and scale helicopters at 4236 Sykes Road. “It’s a fun fly for pilots…

By Thomas Sellers Jr. Briarcrest Standout, Ole Miss Legend, Carolina Panther Pro Bowl Lineman and even The Kraken are some of the names for the special guest in town this past Saturday. But for those at Aycock Park under the blazing sun, it was native son Greg Hardy Jr. back home in Millington for the…

By Thomas Sellers Jr. MEMPHIS — Professional football will be just down the road for residents of Millington. Calling Charles Greenhill Stadium off Highway 51 in Memphis home, the Memphis Blues Dawgs of The Monsters Game Football League will kick off in August. The newly formed professional football league will serve as a farm system…

By Thomas Sellers Jr. Some of Courtney Bonaiuto’s best softball moments the last four years have taken place hundreds of miles away from her former high school home of Munford. As part of four State Tournament Lady Cougar teams, Bonaiuto visited Murfreesboro every May during her prep career. “We couldn’t go last year,” Bonaiuto’s stepfather…

More than a dozen students at USA Karate, located at 7844 Church Street, traded their tradition uniforms for swimsuits and swim trunks. It was time for the annual Water and Pizza Party last month. Head instructor Jeff McMinn and other adults supervised the children as they threw water balloons and discharged super soaker water guns….

By Jason Alderman If you always stop to read the fine print before signing anything, congratulations – your parents trained you well. If you don’t, beware: Your signature could commit you to a long-term gym membership you don’t really want, an apartment you can’t afford or worst of all, paying off someone else’s loan you…

By Josh Gowan For those of us that work a regular 5-day a week job, a 3-day holiday weekend is a magical thing. It’s hard to wrap your head around what it must have been like for a bunch of brave, adventurous Europeans, building a new life in a strange land while being oppressed by…

By Otis Griffin Well, the All-American down home neighborhood, community, backyard, barnyard fight to the end. The legendary corn-cob fights.  Some of the battles rank right up there with The Battle of Shiloh and Vicksburg.  For some of you Yankees that think we are Dumb, Ig’nurnt (ignorant), and ’literate (illiterate), these wars take all kinds…

By David Peel The car ahead of you brakes suddenly… it is too late to swerve or stop. Upon the sickening crunch of impact, just 0.05 seconds later, you feel a force hit your face that is somewhere between a Chuck Liddell punch and a Derek Jeter homerun swing. While violent in their inflations, airbags…

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