How to be safer at home

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By Jule’ Dunham

Greetings from the World of Real Estate with Julè. How has this past week been for you with the “Safer at Home Order”?
I know it can be tough to stay at home for those who are accustomed to being out and about most of the time and that includes us real estate agents.
We are still here for you and your real estate needs; however, we are doing all we can to remain healthy. Homes are still being bought and sold which means closings still occur. The professionals conducting the closings are taking extra precautions, such as only allowing individuals into the office that are required to sign documents or bringing the documents to your car for signature.
Always be sure to take with you the proper identification required.
Regarding the information that I have received regarding the Coronavirus, it looks like the situation is getting worse before it is going to get better. We must do our part in getting rid of this terrible disease.
Last week, I wrote about the importance of not just handwashing, but proper handwashing. It is vital that proper handwashing be practiced on a regular basis.
After all, you should have been doing it all along. Please forgive me if I sound like a broken record about this, but it really is that important.
We are dealing with something we cannot see. Obeying the “Safer at Home” order is extremely helpful to reduce the spread of the virus. The Coronavirus is much more contagious than the flu. Once we have knowingly been exposed to the Coronavirus, we MUST be quarantined for 14 days.
While everyone is anxious for this to go away soon and get back to normal living, if we do not do our part by staying home, diligent handwashing and other necessary precautions, this virus will continue to spread for a longer period of time.
Every time someone exposes someone else, we are another 14 days out for every single case. Only one person from your family should be going out to get your essentials from grocery stores, pharmacies, etc. Don’t take the whole family to the store. The safe rule is one person per shopping cart. KEEP YOUR CHILDREN AT HOME IF AT ALL POSSIBLE.
Exposing them in public areas is a great risk. Don’t be one of those crying later that your child has become ill with this virus if you could have taken better precautions. This disease is no joke.
I encourage those of you who have access to Netflix to watch the first episode of Pandemic.
It is a documentary of influenza in 1918 and the massive number of deaths which occurred at that time. We need not make history repeat itself with this Coronavirus.
We can learn from our history and mistakes. Let’s be smarter, more conscientious, considerate and caring for our fellow human beings.
Know the symptoms of the Coronavirus. Please read below the information provided by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). You can visit their website at:
Symptoms of Coronavirus
Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness.
Coronavirus Self-Checker
A guide to help you make decisions and see appropriate medical care
Watch for symptoms
Reported illnesses have ranged from mild symptoms to severe illness and death for confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases.
These symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure (based on the incubation period of MERS-CoV viruses).
Shortness of breath
When to Seek Medical Attention
If you develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19 get medical attention immediately. Emergency warning signs include*:
Trouble breathing
Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
New confusion or inability to arouse
Bluish lips or face
*This list is not all inclusive. Please consult your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning.”
Also, please go to YouTube, search for “How to Safely Shop During Coronavirus“, watch this video recorded by a physician with your family.
My household is following it to the letter. Why? Because do not want this or any other virus. Don’t be lazy or careless about your shopping. Remember, it’s crazy how many people still do not wash their nasty hands!
Our community has so many wonderful things to look forward to in the future. Let’s all do our part to “Make This Happen Together”. My prayer is that you are safe and healthy. I look forward in the future seeing you when we can all get out and about. God Bless You.
Should you have a topic you would like addressed, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for reading my column and have a blessed week.Here is your local realtor, Julè Dunham, signing off until next week.
Crye-Leike Realtors
Julè Dunham, Affiliate Broker, SRES, RENE. Contact her by phone at 901-828-8471 (cell) or 901-840-1181 (office) or by email to: [email protected] for an appointment to speak with you, your group or club.
“Let’s Make This Happen Together”

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