Letters to Editor October 1, 2015

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Why the recall?

Dear Editor:

It began in February of this year when the Mayor and Aldermen tried for the first time to access the half cent sales tax fund. Had it not been for hundreds of fliers distributed that morning, the five would not have had a packed hall of irate voters objecting to their attempted misappropriation. They were stopped in February; however, in June they repealed the half cent sales tax law and voted to access the funds for their own purposes. I have four grandchildren in the Millington Municipal Schools. Yes, I took it personally. I had been out of the political realm after Mayor Richard Hodges’ resignation. If I had stayed in touch and we had all paid closer attention, we would never have had to go to a recall. This movement is the response to five people that feel they are above the law and can do as they wish. When there was a law, they simply repealed it and did what they wanted. For the most part we are trying to get the half cent sales tax restored, and that continues to be our primary focus. Still, in the course of the past four months, I have seen time after time, how these same five blatantly disregard true, ethical behavior. If it was wrong for an alderman to be on the “appeals board” for ethical reasons in the past; it is still wrong today. The City Attorney may express an opinion on whether or not something is legal, but it is still only an opinion and has nothing to do with ethics. Remember that a City Attorney is there to protect the City Leaders and follow their programs.

The First Open Signing of the recall petitions  will be at Centennial Park on Navy Road just past the “Y” at the back of the park. We hope to be in the pavilion from 2 p.m. until after 6 p.m.,  Sat. Oct. 3. If we still have people in line, we will stay. Remember it will take about 5 minutes for you to sign all five petitions. Be patient and respect each other.

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