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The Bartlett Art Association is celebrating its fifth year of meeting at St. Francis Hospital-Bartlett in the Magnolia Room. An open invitation exists to potential new members to attend the monthly meetings. The 40-year-old organization is also announcing its newly elected officers and Board members. Meetings are at 2 p.m. on the first Sunday of the month in the Magnolia Room (2986 Kate Bond Road, Bartlett). Attendees should enter through the main hospital doors on Kate Bond and take a left, walk down the hallway, and the meeting room is opposite the cafeteria. A program, often presented by local artists who share their work and techniques, is followed by refreshments and a group business meeting. The meeting adjourns at 4 p.m. For the past 15 years, the hospital has provided display space in the Atrium Gallery between the Physician’s Building and the Hospital. The members change out the exhibit every three months, and all of the air is for sale.The 2023-24 newly elected officers and Board members are as follows: president Joe Umphress, vice president Carol Caughey (of Millington), secretary Elizabeth Velazquez and treasurer Marc Wheetley. The Board Members are Nancy Adair, Barbara Hicks and Ellen Ingram, and Jeanne Taylor and Linda Umphress.The BAA welcomes artists of any skill level to join the meeting and enjoy the program and refreshments. Visit www.bartlettartassociation.org for an application and more information.

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