Pool Open

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By Dennis Richardson

It is really too chilly to jump in the pool but we have it open, nonetheless.

Some family was in last week so I decided with so much available help taking the cover off would be a breeze. It was.

Daniel and Lena and their girls were here and so were Gerilyn and Clint. Not only did we take the cover off but also pulled out the grill. Two firsts: grilling and opening the pool both in early April.

There is a lot to opening the pool. Not only does the cover have to be delicately pulled off so that none of it got water-logged which would make it sink to the bottom. We put one person on each corner and one in the middle and undid it the way we put it on, alternating sides one spring at a time, sort of like working with a trampoline.With the cover all laid out to dry to wash in the April showers there was the plumbing in the pool house to hook back up so the water could circulate the chemicals. Instead of working with reconnecting all the plumbing, sand filter and other things we looked around and two girls had their swim suits on and were raring to jump into the pool. They must have been planning this. Brrrr. They said they weren’t cold but I could see the shivers. Splash! In they went. The plumbing could wait. And it did until the next weekend.

The temperatures are still a little on the cool side this week, and in fact cooler than the week we pulled off the cover.  When the temperatures warm up a little more we will be prepared. The water is crystal clear and the slide ready. Mark that chore off the list.

Grandkids make all the effort worthwhile.

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