Reopened – no changes

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By Dennis Richardson

Finally – restaurants and other small businesses that we frequent are beginning to reopen.
I would not know if I had not read it. In the newspaper. We still order carry out at what restaurants that offer that service and use the drive through at the banks, pharmacy and an occasional fast food place.
My first visit to Walmart in six months was made over the weekend. They have been open all along and made major modifications to keep employees and customers healthy. If I had not been with my wife I would have avoided that, too. Walmart and other establishments like it provide an essential (new word for 2020) service and the employees put their health at risk each day they come to work. I appreciate them.
I am ready to enjoy in-house dining again at the restaurants, to get a hair cut, to visit some folks, and to attend church services. Inner warning signals tell me that I should keep on doing what I have been doing: working from home, “walking to church” in our living room and also to the restaurant (located in the next room but sometimes dining in an easy chair) and having the movie theater come to my home via the TV across the way.
Those (like me) who do not wish to get out still have the option to stay home.
I am thrilled that many business owners can go back to work, open their doors, and accept customers on a limited basis. I am proud of the way folks in Tennessee are social distancing and being cautious. I hear reports that many wear their masks.
We plan to stay mostly at home until we see how it goes.
We can work from home until the Internet goes out like it did Sunday afternoon. Luckily none of the tall pine trees blew over like they did once – three at a time and every one right across our driveway. None are close enough to fall on the house unless strong winds blow them this way. A huge bolt of lightning shook our house Monday night.
We really need businesses to reopen so that they can hopefully pay their bills. No one knows how long the present pandemic will last or if after it is eradicated if it will come back. A lot of eyes will be on the southern hemisphere to see how it goes. Some say it will be an indicator of how our fall and winters will go.
Stay safe and healthy. Read more newspapers. And if you get out, visit the local merchants who make this reading possible.

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