The Importance of Alkalinity to Health

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By Thelma Ledford

E-mail Article by Dr, Morton Walker The unfriendly bacteria and fungi that populate our intestinal tracts thrive in an acid environment and are responsible for secreting mycotoxins which are the root cause of many debilitating human conditions. In fact, many researchers believe that most diseases can be linked to blood and intestinal acidity, which contributes to an acid-based yeast and fungus dominance. The symptoms of excess internal acidity include: Fatigue/ low energy Unexplained aches and pains Overweight conditions Low resistance to illness Allergies Unbalanced blood sugar Headaches Irritability/ mood swings Indigestion Colitis/ ulcers Diarrhea/ constipation Urinary tract infections Rectal itch/vaginal itch The ideal pH for the human body is between 7.4 and 7.6.  Preserving this alkalinity (pH balance) is the bedrock on which sound health and strong bodies are built.  When the blood loses its alkalinity and starts to become more acidic, the foundation of health is undermined.  This creates an environment where we become vulnerable to disease and runaway yeast and fungus overgrowth. The naturally-occurring yeast and fungi in the body thrive in an acidic environment.  These same yeast and fungi are responsible for secreting a large number of poisons called mycotoxins, which are believed to be one of the root causes of many diseases and debilitating conditions. When yeast and fungus decline in the body, so does their production of mycotoxins and poisonous waste products and byproducts of their life cycles. There are numerous varieties of these mycotoxins, many of which are harmful to the body and must be neutralized by our immune systems.  When our bodies are overwhelmed by large quantities of these toxins, our health becomes impaired and we become susceptible to disease and illness.  Many cancers have been linked to mycotoxins. For example, the fungus Aspergillus flavus, which infests stored peanuts, not only generates cancer in laboratory animals but has been documented as the prime culprit in many liver cancers in humans.  By balancing the body’s pH and creating a more alkaline environment, you can rein in the microbial overgrowth and choke off the production of disease-producing mycotoxins.  With pH balance restored, the body can regain newfound .vigor and health.  (Cont’d) How to Restore Alkalinity 1.  Carefully monitor your diet.  Avoiding yeast-and fungus-promoting foods is a crucial factor in combating excess acidity and fungus over-growth.   Meats, sugars, dairy products, mushrooms, and pickled and malted products can be especially acidic.  On the other hand, garlic is excellent for controlling fungi and yeast.  Other high-alkaline, fungus-inhibiting foods include green and yellow vegetables, beans, and whole un-cracked nuts.  The natural ratio between alkaline and acid foods in the diet should be 4:1 – four parts alkaline foods to one part acid.  In his book, the Yeast Syndrome, Dr. Morton Walker outlines some antifungal diets. The pH of a raw food does not always determine its acidity or alkalinity in the digestive system. Some foods, like lemons, might be acidic in their natural state but when consumed and digested are converted into highly alkaline residues.  Thus, the true determinant of a food’s pH is whether it is an alkaline-ash or acid-ash food.  In this case, lemons are an alkaline-ash food. 2.  Avoid the use of antibiotics.  The overuse of antibiotics for incidental, minor or cosmetic conditions not only increases the resistance of pathogenic microorganisms, but it kills the beneficial bacterial in your body, leaving the mycotoxin-generating yeast and fungi intact.  This is why many women suffer outbreaks of yeast infections after antibiotic use. 3. Use essential oils.  Many essential oils have important antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal properties.  French medical researchers in study after study have documented the healing properties of plant extracts and their ability to stimulate the immune system and inhibit bacterial growth.  Essential oils work best when the body’s blood and tissues are alkaline. When our systems become more acidic – due to improper diet or excessive levels of stress – essential oils lose some of their effects.  So the best way to enhance the action of essential oils is to alkalize your body, and AlkaLime is a first-rate tool to accomplish this. 4.  Using alkaline salts. AlkaLime is an outstanding source of alkaline salts that can help reduce internal acidity.  An alkaline environment is hostile to fungi, which require acidity to survive and thrive.  Lowered east and fungus populations translate into lower levels of body-damaging, disease-inducting mycotoxins. 5.  Lower stress.  Emotional and psychological tension can be especially damaging to bodily systems and act as a prime promoter of acid formation in the body.  To properly appreciate how acidic stress can be, just think back to the last time you were seriously stressed-out and had to reach for an antacid tablet to soothe your heartburn or stomach discomfort. Some of the most common varieties of negative bacteria, yeast, and fungi tat live in the intestines are inactive.  However, when the body is wakened by illness, stress, and excess acidity caused by stress, these bacteria become active, damaging and assuming an invasive mycelic form. Blends of essential oils high in sesquiterpenes, such as frankincense, myrrh, and sandalwood, can produce profound balancing and calming effects emotions.  They work by affecting the limbic system of our brain, the seat our emotions.  Boost friendly flora.  (Cont’d.) (Cont’d) How to Restore Alkalinity From three to four pounds of beneficial bacteria permanently reside in the intestines of the average adult.  Not only are they the first line of defense against foreign invaders, but they are absolutely essential for health, energy, and optimum digestive efficiency.  This intestinal house guest not only control mucus and debris, but they produce B vitamins, vitamin K, and maintain the all-important pH balance of the body. These friendly floras are also important in counteracting and opposing yeast and fungus overgrowth.  When our natural cultures are compromised or disrupted by taking antibiotics or by poor dietary practices, yeast and fungus start growing unopposed and begin colonizing and invading larger swaths of our internal terrain, secreting ever-increasing volumes of poisonous mycotoxins. sing anacidophilus or bifidus supplement, such as Royaldophilus, may be especially valuable in boosting levels of naturally occurring beneficial bacteria in the body and preventing fungal and yeast overgrowth.  They also help the body maintain proper pH balance for nutrient digestion and absorption.  Ideally, the lactobacillus acidiphilus and bifidobacterium bifidus cultures must be combined with plantain to promote implantation on the intestinal walls. Research indicates a significant proportion of bacterial from many acidophilus supplements do not reach the lower intestine alive, or they arrive in such a weakened state that they are not of much benefit.  This is why combining the acidophilus and bifidus cultures with plantain are so important because plantain helps these cultures adhere to the intestinal walls. An even more effective means of fortifying the friendly flora in our intestines is by consumption of fructooligosaccharides (also known as FOS). FOS is one of the most powerful natural agents for feeding our friendly flora.  FOS is made up of medium-chain sugars that cannot be used by pathogenic yeast and fungi.  The end result is that FOS starves fungi while feeding the acidophilus and bifidus cultures that are our main defense against disease. But FOS is far more than just an outstanding means of rebuilding and protecting the beneficial bacteria inside the body.  Over a dozen clinical studies have documented the ability of fructooligosaccharides to prevent constipation, lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and even prevent cancer. (Hidaka et al., 1991; Briet et al., 1995); Bouhnik et al., 1996; Kawaguchi et al., 1993; Luo et al., 1996; Rochat et al., 1994; Tokunaga et al., 1993). Stevia  Select is a supersweet supplement that combines stevia with FOS. Testing your pH You can easily test your pH at home by purchasing small litmus-paper strips at your drugstore or pharmacy.  To get the most accurate reading, expose the strip to a sample of you salvia immediately after awakening in the morning and before eating breakfast. Color changes on the litmus paper will determine pH; check the instructions of your kit for specific details on how to read the litmus paper.

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