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Things you can do during your downtime over the holidays

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By David Peel

Things You Can Do During Your Downtime Over The Holidays

In between turkey sandwiches and football games, you may have a little downtime. Here are some quick projects that will give you a feeling of accomplishment that I promise you you’ll never regret doing.

1. Go film every room wall-to-wall, and then scan your closets in your attic with your phone. Then save that to the cloud. This is going to be helpful if you ever suffer a loss because who in the world can remember everything that’s in the attic, but you’ll need to fill out the contents claim form on your homeowners insurance to maximize your recovery. This is much easier to do with the video than just sitting there trying to remember while you’re sitting in a hotel room your insurance company rented for you.

2. Label those old black-and-white photos. Sure, you know that is Aunt Mabel and Uncle Leroy but no one else does once you’re gone. If you don’t label them, then your kids will throw them out and certainly your grandkids will. No one keeps black and white pictures of strangers, except Cracker Barrel. 

3. Look at your auto insurance policies. Make sure you have an uninsured motorist (UM) of 100,000 or more. If you can possibly afford it. The state minimum is still 25,000 which was set the year Elvis died. A life-flight can be 29,000 just to get to Regional One Trauma Center. 

4. Check your beneficiaries. Remember your will does not control when it comes to items that have living beneficiaries. This includes life insurance, retirement, 401(k), Roth, 403B, brokerage account and investment accounts. There are men walking around right now with a lot of life insurance still payable to their ex-wife from years ago! 

5. Record a video. It doesn’t have to be sad, but one day the video may be all that’s left of you ever talking. Tell stories from your childhood. Explain the story and items that are important to you around the house. Forgive people. Talk to your yet unborn children about what you think is important. Share the gospel. Anything you can do to promote what you believe is important.

6. Enjoy the holidays

Peel seeks justice for those injured in tractor trailer and car accidents, medical malpractice, and disability. He often addresses churches, clubs and groups without charge. Peel may be reached through PeelLawFirm.com wherein other articles may be accessed.

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