Want to Feel Old?

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By David Peel

Soft skills, while perhaps considered old-fashioned, still hold value in the marketplace, despite many youth of today never having been taught these skills:

1. **Handwriting and Letter Composition:** The art of handwriting and composing thoughtful letters is now among the rarest skill. Knowing how to express oneself in personal correspondence can leave a lasting impression.

2. **Using a Stamp:** In a world where online transactions and emails are the norm, the simple act of affixing a stamp to an envelope for traditional mail is mysterious to many youth.

3. **Writing a Check:** Digital payment methods have largely replaced checks, but there are instances where familiarity with writing a check remains relevant, such as for certain bill payments or business transactions. “How to write a check” is a popular YouTube search these days.

4. **Sending a Thank You Note:** Taking the time to send a handwritten thank you note demonstrates a level of sincerity and thoughtfulness that can make a significant impact in personal and professional relationships. In these days of “no call no show,” maybe it’s too much to hope for, but it sure stands out.

5. **Cursive Writing:** With many schools moving away from teaching cursive, younger individuals may find it challenging to read or write in this script. However, it still appears in in notes from older bosses or coworkers and of course, historical documents including our Constitution.

6. **Proper Phone Etiquette:** In an era dominated by texting and social media, mastering polite and effective telephone communication is a valuable skill, especially in professional settings. Calling in well ahead when you may miss work should still be expected.

7. **Table Manners:** Understanding and practicing proper table manners in both formal and casual dining situations is a social skill that can enhance one’s confidence in various social settings.

8. **Navigation with a Map:** With GPS technology at our fingertips, the skill of navigating using a physical map has become less common. However, this skill can be useful in areas with poor connectivity or during an outage.

While technological advancements continue to shape the way we live and work, possessing these traditional skills still should be considered in the modern world.

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Peel seeks justice for those injured in truck, motorcycle and car crashes.  He often addresses churches, clubs and groups without charge. Peel may be reached through PeelLawFirm.com wherein other articles may be accessed.

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